We all enjoy reading, watching and browsing different topics
from a variation of websites and blogs, and maybe we also participate the
ongoing activities on that certain blogs or sites by commenting or sharing our
favorite posts, articles, vides, and images from that particular blogs or
sites. But what about if you, especially you!
Can create your own blog within 5minutes by just following the simple
steps I’ll will show you shortly, but before we begin our adventure let me
remind you some of the most important concepts about blog and blogging you’ll
ever need.
What Is Blog?
It’s not really easy to describe or define BLOG, because
blog is what made thousands of the wealthiest people in the world; blogs is
what helped Millions of drop outs to start a new era and a successful life;
blog is what you and me relay on whenever we search on Google, Yahoo, Bing or
any other search engine no matter what we are looking or asking, because all
that links appear in front of us whenever we type a single word or a letter on
the search engines are mostly came from blogs.
So you see blog is a portion of every body’s life whether
he/she believes or not. But here I will give you a short definition which you
can start with to get an answer to that huge question “what is blog?” Blog is a web site on which
an individual or group of users record opinions, information, etc. on a regular
What is Blogging?
Simply blogging is adding a new material for instance a
post, article, video, image, topic to a web site. On the other hand blogging is a way of life,
because with blogging people get paid or awarded with precious things like
money or prizes and trust me; at the moment you join the bloggers crew you’ll
just feel overwhelmed by knowledge and experiences so let’s go forward by
sorting things out and determine the best platforms to choose to create our
There are a plenty of platforms or systems to create a blog
and the top three options are blogger, word press, tumblr. And the reason is
because these three systems offer fully free resources and accounts along with
free domain and hosting which later on you can shift or transfer them with no
recommendations. and from these amazing three systems blogger platform is the
best in so many ways according to its flexibility and don’t forget it’s a
product of Google which will give you a more opportunities of SEO options, and
believe me within 6 hours form the time you create your blogger blog, your blog
will be listed on Google’s top then search engine list. And I will guide
thorough how to create and develop a successful blogger blog but first lets
create our new blogger blog by following the below steps.
- First you’ll need to create a Gmail account if you don’t already have it, because blogger is a product from Google Inc., and when you’re creating your blogger site you’ll be asked to enter a valid Gmail account info specially and email and password, so go and create a Gmail account if you don’t already have it.
- After you make sure that you’ve a valid Gmail account go to www.blogger.com or www.blogspot.com which will take you to the same place and by just clicking one of these two URL links you will definitely see a page like the one in the snapshot. And it’s just that simple put your email and password in the fields then click the little blue sign-in button, and remember it only takes Gmail accounts.

- Then you’ll be redirected to the official blogger’s website and dashboard where the important things will happen, the interface of your new blogger dashboard will be almost similar to the one in the below picture except the shaded area and you can see from the image that the shaded area has Learn By Research label on it and the reason is because I have already LBR blog, but you’ll see a button says “New Blog” just hit that.
- In a moment you’ll get a popup screen like the one shown in the below image which tells you to insert your new blog’s basic information like your blog title which literally is your blog name, your blog domain or URL and a basic template to start with –the template is the design and the layout of your blog- so be careful and choose wisely your blog’s basic info. Then click the orange Create Blog button.
And that is it with in a second your blogger
blog will up and running. Just visit the URL you’ve chosen earlier, and
remember that was the beginning you have to do a lot if you want to become a successful
blogger or web master, for that case I will share with some of the basic tips
and tricks that helped me while I was beginning my blogging journey.
Try to post articles consistently, and in an arranged manner for example try to post 4 content rich articles in each and every week.Try to organize your blog’s categories and menus in an appropriate way.Avoid copy and paste methodology it may help you post a plenty of posts in a short time but it won’t help you gain respect and reputation.Enhance your blogging experience, and let me remind you the best way to became quickly experienced is to Google every question you have in mind, and trust me in one way or another you’ll find an answer to your query.
Final note: well, I hope this post gave you a hunch about how
to create a blogger blog in five minutes and some tested tips about how to
start your blogging journey, but I won’t leave just like that I will post an enormous
blogging tips and techniques which will help you live like a legend.
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