Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Your Freedom! The Ultimate VPN & Tunneling Solution

8:19 AM

Have you ever been trapped behind a firewall or a filtering web proxy and cannot access some or many web pages or use an application you would like to use or play a game you would like to play? Is your internet connection being censored and you would like to stick censorship where the sun doesn't shine? Would you prefer to stay anonymous, that your IP address is not logged with every access to someone’s webpage? Then look no further, today I have a rare and unique solution for you which will instantly give you a full freedom to browse the net.

That impressive solution is to download, install, and configure a professional VPN application called “Your Freedom”. Well, if you are an internet nerd have already used one of the popular vpn applications like CyberGate, TunnelBear, ExPat Sheild, UltraSurf, or Hotspot Sheild. The concept is same but “Your Freedom” is all-in-on vpn, tunneling, firewall and proxy bypassing, anonymization, and anti-censorship solution which means you don’t have to worry about anything or search solutions for all of these specific areas as long as you have installed and correctly configured “Your Freedom” application. So let me tell you some of the basic configuration hints that will help you correctly configure YF. Just follow the steps carefully.

1.       First and for most you have to create a new account from YF’s official website right here >> Register.

2.      Then after creating your account successfully, you have to go and get the software by downloading it from here >> download YF, and by the way you may see a table with a plenty of options try to download the windows full installer in the first row and as recommended, but if you have slow internet connection you better go to the second option which simply says Windows Installer and remember with this second option its must to have java 6 or newer unless that the application won’t run. And there will be some other two options for MAC and android.

3.       Install the application as you usually do with the other applications; just skip if there is any wizard comes up at the end of the installation. So now since you have installed the application lets configure it.

4.      Run the application and go to the account information panel, and put the username and the password you made in step one.

5.      Then check the server connection panel. And set connection mode to “UDP” then click the wizard button. And you have to wait a while because the wizard will search all the available servers and then will list them prioritized to their strength.

6.      When the wizard finishes searching try to choose the first server it gives you because that is the best for you according to the speed and accuracy.

7.      Then click finish and then click save and exit. That isn’t just one step left go to the YF’s try icon right click it and choose start connection. And in a moment if everything went correct you’ll be connected to the server and became protected and anonymous.

Note: as we all now there is nothing complete in this world and the fact is YF can be the best solution but it still have one down site which is every username and password you register from YF works only three hours in the day. But don’t worry to overcame this problem try to create multiple fake emails from here >> Generate Fake Emails. And hopefully that will solve your problem.

At last but not at least if you ever need any help or support here is a link for Your Freedom user guide it’s a small PDF file just follow the link it’ll definitely help you.

If you believe this post gave you and extra option and solution to serve net anonymously and safely please share comment and like.

Written by

Yusuf is a freelancer and a friendly junior web and software developer, usually involves with the modern technology innovations and updates. Blogging and sharing bright ideas are his hobbies.


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